To increase the power of the popular methods for men

All the factors that act negatively on the potency, can be divided into two groups: psychogenic and organic.

The traditional methods for men


  • Fatigue mental exhaustion and due to high loads (greater responsibility at work, physical discomfort, emotional, mental and stress associat with the learning or the processing of large amounts of information);
  • The condition or depression subdepressivee;
  • Posttromboticeski syndrome (condition the original work of art experienced difficult life events such as divorce, the death of a loved one, etc.);
  • Self-doubt and the object of the extension of the anxiety-related setbacks in his personal life, dissatisfaction with their appearance, penis size, etc.;
  • Hypochondria – excessive concern for his health, a man when you're looking at a disease very non-existent or exaggerates the danger and has available fear of losing the virility by always;
  • Conflicts with your partner, that led to the disappearance of sexual desire in her.


  • Endocrine disorders: hypogonadism pituitary tumors, thyroid disease, etc., as well as the deposition of the consumption of anabolic steroids for building muscle mass;
  • Vascular disorders: reduction of arterial blood supply in the penis. Normally, This and associat with atherosclerosis, diseases of the heart and blood vessels (hypertension, ischemic heart disease);
  • Neurological disorders – problems with the innervation of the disease pathways (parasympathetic piegaro, sacral spine, etc.);
  • Toxicological factors: Smoking, alcohol abuse, consumption of psychoactive substances;
  • Therapy sometimes a low potency and a side effect of medicine drugs intended for use in the long term;
  • Factors inflammatory: acute and chronic prostatitis, sexually transmitted infections.

From these reasons, in practice, the more Marta psychogenic impotence of nature (fatigue, stress, decreased mood) and the weakening of the erection of a cause of vascular disorders, prostatitis. And I with them successfully, it helps in the fight of a popular medicine, because these causes acted a home always, and in the Treasury of popular wisdom gathered a lot of effective recipes, suitable for all ages and available for use in the home.

How to increase the power at home fast

Alternative medicine encourages the households to improve the erection with the help of herbs and essential oils. But to normalize the potency you can, if you want to get rid of bad habits, stress and l l excess weight. Folk remedies to increase potency in the housing, absolutely can not take if you have allergies. And undesirable to assign them yourself. If you think about how to increase male potency natural ways, refer to the following tips:

  • Follow the BMI. Obesity of any degree that leads to a deterioration of the un of all bodies.
  • Conduct water treatments every day. Contrast showers and relaxing baths of sea salt relieve helps to improve the tension and the flow of blood.
  • Avoid examine the stress prolonged and depression. Modern medicine offers many to combat the methods and factors provoking these States. You can be able to study them if your work involves a lot of stress.
  • Control the level of hormones. All the functions of the body of these substances is biologically regulated assets. Monitoring of the hormonal levels will help you avoid examine the reduced power and disability.

Among the plants that help to improve the sex life, the most popular is the ginseng. Dyeing of 350 grams of the root and honey can cure even advanced cases of impotence. This result and due to the fact that it contains ginseng hormones plant. A mixture of prunes and the honey not only are you able to return the strength of a man, but also to restore the immune system. Prepare For it you need to:

Herbs for potency
  • 300 grams of honey;
  • 200 grams of prunes, chopped;
  • 200 grams chopped dried apricots;
  • 200 grams of chopped nuts.

A possible to normalize the power to use nettles. Tablespoon of A raw material s pour 250 ml of boiling water. To infuse the broth and 30-40 minutes. The liquid should be divided into 3 parts and make original works of art of meals. Nettle stimulates the urinary system, which improves the power and is subjected to the inflammation. The seeds of the plants can be mixed with honey and then eat 1 tablespoon a day.


Get ready For a versatile folk remedy for potency in house conditions on the basis of this plant do not work. Some corny doesn't like the smell and the taste of the garlic, while others suffer from allergies to her. The use of plants and thins s the blood and contains a lot of vitamins. The traditional way drawing d d garlic tincture in the following way:

  1. And need to bring 1 kg of plants, grind it to a pulp and place in a jar of glass.
  2. The mixture of water, pour boiling water, close the jar, wrap it with a towel or paper, then place during un month in a dark place.
  3. Once a day shake up the dye.

Can Take the infusion of 30 days, along with the milk. Teaspoon of A solution to put in a glass of liquid. Infusion taken as s has not finished. Well shown that the mixture of the garlic, the honey, the nuts and the roots of pink Rhodiola. Take 1 tablespoon original work of art restaurant meal each. To enhance the effect of the mixture you can catch the un-prepared herbal decoctions of plantain.

The essential oils

Folk remedy for the power of a house, you can, you can cook with concentrated essences of the plants. When choosing the essential oils must consider not only the technical advice of experts, but individuals with the characteristics of the organism. If we do not like the smell of cinnamon, the extract and unlikely to increase your virility. To increase the power of a house will help you to blend the following essential oils for a light fragrance:

  • 1 drop of Atlas cedar;
  • 1 drop of vetiver;
  • 2 drops of cinnamon;
  • 2 drops of rosemary;
  • 3 drops of ylang-ylang;
  • 5 drops of lemon juice.

At the instant of a return to casa'tools only pot of the power of pharmacology, but the damage of them exceeds the benefit. Destinations of the herbs and harmless essential oils are for the body, but not every man can handle your choice. In addition, not everyone has the time to explore popular recipes for male power, I prepare original work of art to try them is in described tinctures and teas. In this type of situations may help:

  1. Journal of sport activities. Physical activity stimulates the production of hormones, improve the resistance, I help to fight against several disorders.
  2. The rejection of bad habits. Alcohol, and sugar tobacco narrows the blood vessels, which leads to the lack of supply of blood and, original work of art, of impotence.
  3. Fight with the stress. Removing mental stress and emotional something as important as the inside and outside of the comfort zone. If the stress s accumulates the a person that appears in the destinations of diseases of the internal organs and alterations in behavior.
  4. A full night of sleep. Sense of rest all systems of the body does not work in full force. Deterioration of erection with the lack of sleep constant and normal.


Object the enlargement of the power at home folk remedies are often temporary. In addition, the reduction of the potency indicates that the man has psychological or physical problems. Experts recommend to improve erections a to reconsider your diet. The Group should contain a full range of vitamins and minerals. To add to the menu:

  • parsley;
  • seafood;
  • nap;
  • the all.

This is not to say that your diet should only consist before of the products mentioned: it is necessary to eat healthy. If you have problems with the weight of the body, as you must prevent to examine the food and heavy meat. Between the seafood, an especially useful to improve the erection flounder and oysters. They are composed of a complex set of amino acids and zinc are responsible for the production of testosterone.

For the restoration of male power recommended medicine to medication, but who often have a large number of contraindications. Folk recipes to improve the potency of solving the problem of the most efficient way. The reasons of the appearance of the disease many manifest symptoms in different ways, so before starting the treatment, you should consult the un medical doctor. Specialist in:

  • determine why the problem occurred;
  • advise, on what to pay attention;
  • we recommend that the medicinal plants of use.

Folk remedies for the power you require throughout a course of treatment, but duration results. - You recipes for the herbs and plants many to solve the problems:

  • increase the erection;
  • normalize the production of sex hormones;
  • increase libido;
  • dilates the blood vessels;
  • activate the blood circulation in the genitals;
  • eliminate the inflammation of the gland of the prostate;
  • to help improve the sexual life;
  • improving the immunity.
Med to increase potency

Useful products

Object the extension of the power of remedies of homes popular consists in the use of the pharmaceutical compositions. Of great help can provide food, contributing to the restoration of the sexual power, if you include them in your daily diet. Useful are:

  • oysters are natural aphrodisiacs, and zinc they contain which helps to develop the male hormone testosterone, stimulate the libido;
  • parsley – circulation improving the blood, the filling of the penis with blood, on the restoration of pieces.

When violation useful of the power of the products:

  • mackerel – it contains vitamins, zinc, fatty acids improved the sperm quality, increases the duration of intercourse;
  • nuts – the power stimulant, increasing the production of testosterone;
  • meat supports hormonal excitement;
  • chocolate – improves libido;
  • fruits – banana, strawberry, mango, increase the duration of intercourse;
  • vegetables: celery, beets, carrots arouses sexual desire.

Traditionally for the treatment of erektilnoy dysfunction and increase the power used, the following folk remedies:

  1. Broth – in its preparation of the raw material must boil briefly I drank the liquid resulting;
  2. Infusion – in this method un component (or mixture) and fill it with water and infused for a long period of time;
  3. Tea – the herbs made I borratxo as ordinary black or green tea;
  4. Alcohol friendly – normally it's used for the production of vodka, pure vodka, alcohol, at least — wine.
  5. Enriched with oil of the same infusion, but instead of water, the main component and the vegetable oil, and that in the process of aging will be the basis for the production of plant nutrients.
  6. Formulations for compressed.

Candles from the honey. The basis for them and fat. You can use goose, goat, pig, badger pharmacy lard or vaseline. In addition, you will have to of vodka of 0,5 litres of water (purified vodka or diluted up to 40°alcohol d), 0.5 kg of the cake of wax.

Folk remedies to increase potency in the housing

And a quick way to get the desired result for 30-40 minutes. Just keep in mind that mustard will help only if there is serious neurological diseases and endocrine disorders. This method and contraindicated for people with angina, coronary artery disease.

To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add two yellow on the rump, primatv them with a towel.

Keep in mind that not mustard s should be put in diseases of the skin and wounds, fungus on the feet a also a contraindication. And recommended how to check your skin tolerates the mustard, if you had not put in a reaction to the possible·lèrgica. To check that you need to connect un shot for any area of the skin for 10 minutes. Redness, tingling and a sensation of heat and normal. Strong edema, swelling, pain at the site of application, urticaria – symptoms d"al·al·lèrgia.

Useful products

Preservation of sexual function, original work of art in the homes of the age of 60 will help extend the life. At this age there is un natural decrease in testosterone of potency, there is a lack of libido. They can solve problems using the traditional recipes. Effective means to increase potency it is recommended to use before meals, 3 times per day. The drug consists of equality of proportions:

  • seeds of stinging nettle;
  • of honey;
  • color wine red.

Houses are Large and useful as the rubber calamus root three times a day. The un good effect of improving the impotence and the result of the application of tincture of Rhodiola rosea. Medication prepared and the following:

  • are the roots crushed;
  • add 2 more times of water;
  • stand in the shower for 10 minutes;
  • insist on half an hour;
  • filter;
  • take 100 ml three times a day.
  • The seeds of the onion, mix with the same amount of honey and take every day a teaspoon. Composition not only protects the un from the force of the home, but also increases the semen concentration of the active The sperm, the inflammation is of the gland of the prostate.
Thyme strengthens the sexual power men


Stimulates The thyme the adrenal glands, which produce testosterone – the hormone responsible for the libido and the potency. Infusions and decoctions, which is composed of thyme make persistent and erection prolonged.

  • 1 tablespoon of herba dry pour 250 ml of boiling water and infuse for 5-7 minutes. Drink this tea must be ½ Cup 2 times a day for 10 days, if any, original works of art, 2 weeks rest, repeat.
  • Mix 1 teaspoons of black leaf, three buds of thyme and add 1 tablespoon of mint. Mixture pour boiling water and drink insist as welding normal. Best results For a, you can drink by adding a tablespoon of honey.
  • Oil of thyme. Is sold prepared, but desired it, if it can be done easily at home. For this you will need 0.5 liters of vegetable oils (sunflower, olive oil) and 100 g. dried thyme. Glass In a container to fill up the grass, pour the oil to room temperature, cover it and store it in a cool place, away from sunlight, for a die 14. Periodically, the container can be talked about. In the evening we do the un-massage the perineum, using the of the oil present.
  • Vodka tincture. For its preparation you need 100 gr. dried thyme pour the floor of liter of vodka and infuse for 2-3 weeks, strain. Cake throw, and the dyeing had a day 1 hour 20-30 drops.