What is the human papillomavirus infection and what it takes to cure this disease?

The human papillomavirus

The human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is an important cause of morbidity and mortality throughout the world. Today it is one of the most common viruses of sexually transmitted. The risk of getting the virus affected significant part of the population of different ages.

One out of every ten people on the planet is infected with this virus.

Some types of diseases related to the HPV negative impact on the reproductive function of women. There is a huge detection of new cases of cancer of the female reproductive system associated with human papillomavirus infection.

From the story.

Lesions of the skin and mucous membranes known to mankind for over a Millennium. Called "genital warts", which were described by the doctors of Ancient Greece. Of particular relevance infection acquired at the end of the twentieth century. The viral nature of warts was proven in the early twentieth century, about the sexual way of transmission is presented in 1954.

Frequency condylomatosis among the young and middle-aged:

  • 1981-1986 5.4 percent
  • 1987-1999 - 19,1%
  • now - up to 60%.

What is the HPV infection genital?

HPV infection is a chronic viral disease that is transmitted from person to person through sexual contact.

The causative agent of the infection.

The causative agent-the human papilloma virus (HPV) is a common name for more than 80 types of viruses causing different diseases of the skin and of the mucous membranes of the body. Each virus HPV the group has its own serial number.

What is the human papillomavirus infection

Human papilloma virus is detected:

  • the skin
  • the mucous membranes of the oral cavity
  • the mucous membranes of the conjunctiva
  • the mucosa of the esophagus
  • the mucosa of the bronchi, larynx
  • the mucosa rectal
  • mucosa genital

The transmission of the virus.

Virus transmission occurs only from human to human. The main route of transmission - sexual.

It is also possible to:

  • contact-household transmission of the infection in the presence of microtrauma to the epithelium, the virus can enter the human body through scratches and abrasions, the virus from the infected person remains in the bath, the gym, the pool, a towel, razor
  • medical personnel can be infected by breathing the dust during the removal of the laser genital warts, infected through surgical instruments
  • the transmission of the mother during pregnancy

Factors that contribute to the appearance or reappearance of HPV:

  • Hypothermia
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Medical procedures (abortion, the introduction of iuds)
  • Pregnancy

Group of infections caused by HPV

  • HPV does not cause cancer (warts on the skin)
  • Low-risk HPV to develop cancer (different types of warts on the genitals)
  • high-risk types (neoplastic diseases in women and men)

The prevalence of HPV-associated diseases in the world

  • 21 000 Cancer of vulva and vagina (women)
  • 40 000 - Anal cancer (Among men)
  • 60 000 - Anal cancer (Among women)
  • 530 000 - the Cancer of cervix (Among women)
  • 17 300 000 - Genital warts (men)
  • 14 700 000 - Genital warts (women)

The incubation period of HPV infection can last from 2 months to 2-10 years, average 3 months.

For human papillomavirus infection is characterized by a latent period.

The clinical picture.

The course of infection varied. It is possible that they disappear spontaneously, then again for the progress.

Distinguish 3 forms of the disease:

  • clinical of the presence of visible papillomas
  • subclinical - no visible manifestations, asymptomatic, revealed only the additional examination (colposcopy or the study of cells)
  • latent - is determined only by blood test

The main symptoms of human papilloma virus infection is the appearance:

  • warts;
  • warts soft growths that are attached to the skin, thanks to the leg;
  • genital warts - growths with a rough surface (mostly appear around the anus and the genitals).

These symptoms must pay attention in the first place.

The consequences of infection with the human papillomavirus:

  • Cervical cancer is the second leading cause of death for women. The life expectancy of cases among women is declining, on average, for 26 years. It is proven that 70% of the cases of cancer of neck of uterus caused by HPV 16 and 18 types.
  • Cervical cancer is completely preventable disease if it's detected at an early stage of cancer or the stage of precancer.
  • Cancer of the vulva and the vagina.
  • Anal cancer. Each year there are nearly 100000 cases of cancer.
  • Cancer of the penis. Called in 35% of cases HPV 16 and 18, HPV 6 and 11-5% of the cases.
  • The anogenital warts. Are caused by HPV types 6 and 11. According to who, every year in the world registered more than 30 million cases of venereal warts.
  • For oropharyngeal cancer in young men.

How to determine the presence of virus in the body, and its type?

Diagnosis of the infection by the human papilloma virus

In the majority of cases the infection is asymptomatic, so that the virus of the patient usually be detected only for the special purpose of the analysis.

The HPV diagnosis may include:

  • the clinical examination of the patient;
  • examination of the neck of the uterus;
  • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is an effective diagnostic method through which you can determine the type of virus;
  • cytological examination under the microscope studied the character of the cells (smears the Pap smear of the cervix);
  • a blood test for the detection of antibodies of HPV (for example, a method is used very rarely);
  • the biopsy in the diagnostic procedure of "suspicious places" (for example, from warts or papillomas) to take tissue. Granted, if there is a suspicion that the patient has cancer.

What is a pap test?

This is a test, which can detect pre-cancerous or cancerous cells in the vagina and on the cervix. From the surface of the cervix or the canal with a special spatula smear is taken. Take material that is applied to the cup and sent to a laboratory where laboratory doctors carefully study the structure of the cell. The test takes the name of the scientist Georgios Papanicolaou.

Pap Test for HPV infection

When and who should carry out a PAP test?

  • You need to perform the PAP smear for every woman at least once a year since the age of 18 or onset of sexual activity. In the absence of sexual contact, with an analysis valid 1 time per 3 years.
  • Twice a year PAP smear is recommended when using hormonal contraception, and women who suffer from genital herpes.
  • The reason more frequent pap smears are frequent change of sexual partners, excess weight (obesity), the infertility, the presence of genital warts genitals.

Prevention of human papillomavirus infection.

Taking into account the danger of infection, the lack of efficiency of existing methods of treatment is of vital importance to the prevention of this infectious disease.

Nonspecific prophylaxis:

  • sex education for teens
  • limiting the number of sexual partners
  • the use of condoms reduces the transmission of HPV
  • cervical screening is a regular survey of women with a CYTOLOGY test (smear cervical) for the early detection and treatment of diseases
  • stop Smoking

Specific prevention:

The vaccine against papillomavirus infection

Vaccination against the most dangerous (oncogenic) types of HPV for boys and girls of 12-13 years before the start of sexual activity, and potential contact with HPV. After vaccination, formed a strong immunity.

Why is it necessary for the vaccine against human papilloma virus infection?

The human papillomavirus causes transformation to a malignant cell, i.e., cause cancer, especially cancer of the cervix.

In recent years, there has been a rapid increase in the frequency of genital cancers in men, therefore, increasingly the question of the introduction of vaccination against HPV in both sexes.

At present, vaccination against HPV is included in the calendar of vaccination in 57 countries, six of them introduce the vaccination of both sexes.

The vaccination efficiency reaches 98-100%, that has been proven in clinical studies.

The HPV vaccine is most effective before the onset of sexual activity, but it is recommended that all women of young age.

The introduction of vaccination on a large scale, will avoid up to 80-82% of all the tumors in this group.

Prevention of human papillomavirus infection is one of the most important components of the prevention of cervical cancer in women and certain cancers in men.